Ohh that really adored me.I'll keep meracau-racau meronta-ronta because of the movie.It's so sad i need to control not to be emo.The plot is very well made.The casts,the promo,everything perfect.I love how they put the identity crisis among the teenager,and how they interpreted the feel,the emotional.
Ok i love The Love Of Siam so well and i keep watching it again and again without no doubt.It is lain dari yang lain.Well almost the indie film that i had watched before sama ada korean sad love story or English love film,i think this one is very cool and relax.I enjoyed so much.The story is about friendship,loneliness,how far your relation with you family,you mother,you father and the most highlight part totally from the main characters.Witwisit Hiranyawongkul as Mew,Mario Maurer as Tong
So who those yang tak berapa suka,i mean the plot of that film because it contained a characteristic of the love of friendship.I lebih prefer this kind of movie because my feeling can well straight and lain dari yang lain.Young boy,i mean the handsome one lah..hahah..
The part that really make me feel so sad should be the last one.So sentimental and melancholic When mew finished his concert then Tong came to him and say...
Tong : I can't stay with you as your boyfriend but it doesn't mean that I don't love you
and mew just said,..
Mew :Good bye (with smile...yes he smile..so adorable)
and they break at that moment...then the last part when mew at his room..he put the doll noise that Tong gave to him (the doll noise actually the one is missing during they played mysterious treasure hunting when they kid)..and he keep looking at the doll and start crying.How lonely he is..That really menyentuh hati i...i pun rasa macam nak nangis sama...
Each of them need to make a right decision about their mutual understanding where not one should't be hurt.Mew lived alone since his grandmother passed.Mew did his decision to avoid Tong cause tong's mother convinces mew to end everything.
What got me so engrossed is the love story between these two teenage boys who are obviously NOT GAY. They're just two straight teenage guys who happen to fall in love with each other. They're not gay from the start and nor are they feminine enough to begin with. They are just two normal boys who, like some people out there, stumbles across forbidden love.

Tong 2007
Tong 2010
Actually the film has been released on 2007,so that i really don't know about that since last year,but i'll keep hold and hold to download.
Mew 2007
Mew 2011
The lyric of the song is awesome...I love how mew wrote based on his feeling to Tong.I'm not sure the title...but there the lyric...
The Love Of Siam
If i say that i wrote this song for you,
would you believe me.
It might not be as well written,
or beautiful like other songs
I want you to know that a love song,
can't be written if you're not in love,
but for you,i can write this song so easily.
You might have heard hundreds or thousands of love songs,
they might be meaningful,
but their meanings are for anyone,
when you listen to this song,
it is written only for you.
If you understand the meaning,
our hearts will be together forever,
Let it be the song on the way along
with only you and my voice,
that will be together for so long.
Just like a phase in one poetry,
as long as you love,you still have hope,
Every time i see your love shining in my heart,
i can see my destiny
There are so many truths in love,
In the past,i spend a lot of love,
looking for the meaning of it,
but i just knew that every time you are near.
I just knew that it life is a melody,
You are the lyrics to make it meaningful
and make life a beautiful music
Let it be the song on the way along
with only you and my voice
that will be together for so long
Just like a phase in one poetry
as long as you love,
you still have hope....
Maybe the lyric quite long,but if you listen to the music,it really enjoy..and the song is in Thai version.So i translated it to English.The lyric wrote by mew himself.So enjoy the moment!!!
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