Wednesday, January 11, 2012

hectic season

Who said on exam weeks,you are not allow to update your blog.See as me..on this hectic period,hectic week,hectic month,i donno which one i need to settle first.There a lot of upcoming program need to think.Dengan paper exam yang tak berapa nak feeling.Tak feeling ok bila kau tengok paper tu cam tengok aper kosong je..huhu.So which mean some of ustaz that i dengar their ceramah very frequent said that before you turn to examination room, make sure you called your parent to let them know that you are taking the exam.Same as me,i called my mon especially when im in exam room door.said that.Mom,tolong halalkan saya.tolong redhakan saya dan tolong doakan semua yang baik untuk saya.Honestly i felt calmed and no matter question in coloring paper may not made me feel down.I rasa even that question is so hard to answer,**the most part i tak baca pun note yang soalan tu..for sure lah tak bleh jawab.So when i looking on that question,walla i just wrote down and it  well finish.walaupun lebih kepada logic apa yang i tulis.It ok at least you'll not let it empty.Ok that not the point i want to story up here.It more of my schedule that i need to figure and organize it well because there no time goyang kaki**or goyang gerudi??..a lot of program this two upcoming month.I'm so tired..Oh my.....

Friday, January 6, 2012


Here the latest editorial featured all the top model in this industries...From my lovely Natasha,Daria,Karlie,Joan,Caroline and more..Love the Italian Vogue made them such a beautiful model on catwalk video.Meisel made this editorial look fantastic.


Natasha@Jil Sander
owwww yeahh and finally it revealed.How can you not love that..Natasha at Jil Sander Campaign.It always unexpected.I love the shoot at the stair.The emotion and the pose.So elegent,that my girl Natasha.Vogue Italia the main reason why i'm so impressed with natasha lately.she's in editorial in there with other top model such my love Joan and Daria and other fellow model.So here the shoot for Jil.


Thursday, January 5, 2012



Again???are you kidding me again..oh my Natasha..You go girl..really cool one with the latest ad campaign spring 2012 Proenza Schouler.It it simple,Natasha really know how to act simple look and amazing..really amazing.It beyond spectacular.After got Prada and Dsquared2 and  will be rock with Jil Sander soon.We need to wait for that.It made my day.Love Natasha..

So damn beautiful....