OK....i'm too tired and not enough sleep.Semuanya gara-gara debat Uitm yang very derr membunuh!!..Can u imagine to be at dewan sidang at 3 o'clock in morning..Berembun dah aku..and can't sleep middle of night,if i'm getting sleep,i wonder that i can't wake up early.Prepared myself to be sharp on time there because my sidang is about 6 a.m to begin.Ohhh god i don't know about myself coz i feel that..i hate when i need to present or something to speak in front of the audience.It kill my stomach.Once,i feel that 3 or 4 hours before sidang begin,i dah tak boleh nak tidur...my body feeling very vibrate.if i ate someting before,i still feel that i'm really hungry but don't want to eat something sebab rasa macam nak muntah then start vibrate.My stomach become empty and heartbeat become so fast..dup..dup..dup...**dap dip dup
My sidang went very smoothed.Turn to my part as pembangkang ketiga..i've feel the adrenalin to speak well and focus,strong voice and so on..I did the best to be a speaker. even though tak ramai sidang dewan yang datang...how??pukul 4-5 pagi...who's wanna come and listen to that particular things.But i just enjoy the moment and kawal the emotional with the audience.My lecturer also there with my trainer.She's smile over and over again with the congratulation wished to us for having a great moment and meriuhkan dewan sidang..walla.. i just realized i'm capable to speak in front with full confidence level..One of the best team during early the morning...syabas
Then it will be continue the next sidang pada jam 12tghri.So i grab my stuff and went college to take some rest.Oh it hard to imagine.I just close my eyes for only one and half hour then prepared for the next sidang.Before i forgot,during the first sidang,maybe the early morning there a one or two lalat flying around my heat during my debate.Then i just speak like this "TYDP,banyak sungguh lalat dalam dewan kita ini,terjejas konsentrasi saya"..then everybody loud at me..ohh god..am i too honest...walla...
During the second sidang,i felt that my adrenalin kept still maintain and i just waiting until my turn.Then my turn become well and the most part,there no izin laluan...and i just speak to them**i'm pihak kerajaan actually...."YB mana izin laluan..pengecutkah..penakutkah YB..andai begitu..sembunyi bawah meja sekarang"..how dare i speak like that..ohhh i'm really honest one again...celupar sangat mulut ini...haha..then sidang become hangat dengan everybody clapped at us.Once again i realized,we are not in the bahasa deparment or any kinda TESL person..We just di kalangan ordinary student,my team from the town planning and the rest from the account and etc.So we are not familiar with these even,debating or pidato and so on..But in this opportunity, it let us feel the environment how's the debate run.
Oh forgot..the girl that i like that i stories before is in my team...she speak well and really soft intonation.It let me feel syahdu..wahhh...I just keep let her confident and focus...enjoy the moment..and she keep saying "thanks fizull..."walla...but in my condition now i realized that i have to keep the best memory in my heat and start forgot about her..he's to perfect to over me..and i to shy to say that how i like her...Sometime we don't need to say to someone that we love,the feeling will appear automatically between each.But in my cased,i felt that i'm tried to be beside her,to make myself attractive and hope that she also realized how there someone tried to need the attention.But sadly she just looked at me as a friend as the other.smile at me the same how she smile with the other..give the attention to them as well as the same to me.So tak mengapalah...i'll save the memory of your face,how i like you so much with full of my heart...