Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Sometimes i'd really admired what god gave to me.I'm not talking about what i did everyday but what i have the most important than the other.My pair of hand story a thousand explanation.So the story not just related to what i have done for my course in campus, but in that period,i do using my pair of hand to do a lot of spectacular things.My hands knew to wrote,it also knew to sketch the portrait ,it also knew to do the math calculation,and also knew to handle the course stuff.How i'm glad to have what god gave to me.**ok merapa

So here my latest portrait of my favorite model Natasha poly as my collection.There a lot of my friends portrait i did before and i sold it to them.haha...just the side income ma...But it is not expensive..just did as a minat,but maybe one time, i do like to open my own galleria with my name stand alone..hehe..

Ok maybe it is not looked the same with the real pics,but i think ok la sebab i tak ambil art course..right??=)

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